Webinar: Demystifying the CFP: How to Propose a Conference Session

Curious about the ARLIS/NA CFP process and looking for guidance?

Join ARLIS/NA this Monday, April 17 at 1:00PM CDT / 2:00pm EDT for Demystifying the CFP: How to Propose a Conference Session. Lindsay King and Dan Lipcan, Program Co-Chairs for the ARLIS/NA 2018 conference to be held in New York City from February 25-March 1, will host this webinar to discuss the proposal process and answer any questions you might have about how the program will be crafted.

Topics to be addressed will include the submission form, proposal types, the blind peer review process, the Program Committee’s approach to how submissions will be judged, and the program planning timeline. There will be plenty of time for questions.

The proposal submission deadline for papers, sessions, and workshops is Monday, May 1, 2018, and the form may be found here: https://www.arlisna.org/newyork2018/submissions/openconf.php.

This webinar will be recorded, and the recording will be made available on the ARLIS/NA Learning Portal after the webinar.

Register now at https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/9141802949699356419


Call for Proposals, ARLIS/NA 2018 Conference, New York City

The Art Libraries Society of North America (ARLIS/NA) will hold its 46th annual conference, “Out of Bounds,” in New York City, February 25-March 1, 2018. The New York Conference Program Committee encourages fellow librarians, archivists, curators, museum professionals, educators, artists, designers, architects, and scholars to propose sessions that expand the boundaries of art librarianship. We particularly encourage speakers who borrow ideas from outside the library profession to solve problems, spark new initiatives, or broaden audiences for library activities.

Types of Proposals

Presentation: A single submission of an individual presentation, potentially addressing new research, a case study, or other innovative idea. Presentations should focus on engagement with a live audience, bring new information to attendees, and provide attendees with new tools, strategies, skills, or inspiration. The Conference Program Co-Chairs and the Conference Program Committee will group selected presentations into sessions that run from 60 to 90 minutes.

Session: A 60- to 90-minute event with speakers addressing a common topic or theme. A session could involve 2-4 presentations with a moderator, multiple lightning talks, a panel discussion, or another format that engages the audience with speakers and with each other. In your session proposal, describe your ideal session format, secure commitments from and include the names of proposed speakers. Suggesting a moderator is optional, but recommended.

Workshop: An opportunity to teach and explore current and emerging topics in an intimate atmosphere. Workshops encourage a focused, hands-on experience led by experts who combine active learning, collaboration, and discussions. They may last two, four, or eight hours. Consider ways to benefit from local educational or cultural institutions in the New York metropolitan area.

How to Submit Proposals

Presentations, sessions, and workshops will be selected by the program committee via a blind peer review process. Submit your individual presentation, session, and workshop proposals via our online submission form.

The deadline for submitting proposals is Monday, May 1, 2017. Calls for poster sessions, moderators, and other meetings will be announced later this year.

Please direct any questions to the program co-chairs:
Dan Lipcan, Metropolitan Museum of Art, dan.lipcan@metmuseum.org
Lindsay King, Yale University, lindsay.king@yale.edu

Introduction: Moderator of the Fashion, Textile, and Costume Special Interest Group

I’m pleased to say that Lauren Gavin, Technical Services and Reference Librarian at LIM College, will be stepping into the moderator role for our special interest group. She was the vice moderator during the past year and I look forward to what she and her co-vice moderators have planned for the 2017-2018 year. You can learn more about Lauren here.

ARLIS-NA 2017 Annual Conference: FTC SIG Business Meeting Minutes

Below you will find the 2017 annual business meeting minutes. Should you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to Nicole LaMoreaux or Lauren Gavin.

Fashion, Textile, and Costume Special Interest Group Business Meeting

  • Start: 8:05am
  • Introductions of attendees (18 total)
  • Research Guide discussion
    • Continue to update the blogs but focus on those that have longevity and feature the top 5 blogs at the moment.
  • Consortia
    • Smaller resources work together to create consortia to help with pricing
    • Challenges:
      • State schools logistics and politics
      • Public vs. Private vs. For-profit vs. Not-for-profit
    • Fashion schools around Europe have consortia (could fashion schools/programs in the US join in or replicate system here?)
    • Request that you post on the blog or email Sandra Ley with key resources and wish list items.
  • Annual Conference 2018
    • Looking to host panel(s) and tour(s)
    • Panels: fashion specific librarians or resources
      • Charles James Archive was an idea that was discussed
    • Tours: Costume Institute, Ralph Lauren Library, College Library Tours (The New School, FIT, LIM College), Wova Archive, Material ConneXion, Fashion District (create a Google Map to distribute to members and/or ARLIS as a whole publicizing fashion and yarn areas in the city), Conde Nast, Albright Fashion Library, costume on Broadway, WGSN/Stylus City Tours
  • Co-vice moderator Introduction
  • Fashion Friends Email List
    • This is provided for schools in the UK – should we replicate it here in the US?
  • Vendor Updates
    • Bloomsbury Publishing
      • Bloomsbury Fashion Central
        • Contains Berg Fashion Library and the Fashion Photography Archive
          • Fashion Photography Archive contains images from 1970-2000, 750K photos, street and behind the scenes fashion shots
        • Design Platform (May 2017)
          • Working with designers/museums from around the world
        • Architecture Platform (2018)
          • 60 reference books
        • Encyclopedia of Vernacular Architecture
        • Culture history library
        • Food Library
      • Visionaire
        • 25th anniversary coffee table book is available for purchase
        • 66th issue just was published
        • Redoing their website
        • Looking at archiving the back issues (this would live on their website)
  • Concluded: 9:00am

Plug for FTC SIG Related Posters at 2017 ARLIS-NA Conference

There are two poster presentations that might peek the interest of our members. The posters will be presented on Tuesday, February 7 from 3:30-4:40pm in The District room.

Lauren Gavin (LIM College) and Nicole LaMoreaux (The New School) will be presenting the poster, The Evolution of C.O.O.L. (Collaboration, Outreach, and Organization (in the) Library)You can read more about the poster here.

Jerrold Shiroma (University of California, Merced) will be presenting the poster, The Art of Costume Design: The Work of Dunya Ramicova. You can read more about the poster here.